Title: OTK Air - R
Description: Caught with her buddy Michaela McGowen taking duty-free alcohol at the end of a flight, Samantha suffers 30 swats with a wooden yard stick. “I thought it was going to be 18,” she told Michaela. “Then I realised you got 30 on the bare and I was getting the same!” On bare skin, that yard-stick smarts like hell, as Samantha’s face shows
Format: WMV
Duration: 00:06:54
Size: 74.3 MB
Resolution: 640x480
Title: OTK Air - Q
Description: Taking a quick gulp of duty-free alcohol on an OTK Air flight costs beautiful Michaela McGowen a bare-bottom punishment more severe than she expects: 30 with a wooden yard-stick! It’s a clear message about her behavior. Admits Michaela: “I didn’t think it would sting as much as it did, but that thing packs more sting than most things I’ve had used on my bottom!”
Format: WMV
Duration: 00:10:15
Size: 110.84 MB
Resolution: 640x480
Title: Paddled in Panties
Description: Kailee Robinson is a troublesome student. So principal Mr Fuller decides to use her bottom to test his proposal for bringing back corporal punishment. First on jeans, now on panties and, finally and spectacularly, bare! Holding her ankles, Kailee grits her teeth as ten swats land full across both buttocks. Check out what she has to say afterwards!
Format: WMV
Duration: 00:06:25
Size: 69.19 MB
Resolution: 640x480
Title: Military Discipline - F
Description: Leia-Ann Woods thinks she’s been made a scapegoat for a military security breach. The General knows that, whether she’s guilty or not, she’s due corporal punishment! After her illicit affairs and attempts to gain promotion, he decides to use a lengthy dressage whip to make an impression on this ambitious army brat’s bottom.
Format: WMV
Duration: 00:07:19
Size: 79.12 MB
Resolution: 640x480
Title: Born With It - F
Description: Dressed to party, Abigail Whittaker is simply stunning in leather chaps, bra and panties - until her uncle sees her latest outfit! Completing her stylish ensemble is a small but stinging leather paddle, which he puts to good use on her trembling bare cheeks. Will Abi make it to the party? We figure Yes!
Format: WMV
Duration: 00:05:57
Size: 64.22 MB
Resolution: 640x480
Title: Correction Officer Spankings + Pic
Description: Corrections officer Veronica Ricci is pregnant and angry. Two teens were doing bad things and they can do a little time, or be punished by Veronica instead. They accept Veronica's discipline, which is a hard bare bottom spanking for each girl.
Format: MP4
Duration: 17 Min
Size: 525 MB
Resolution: 1280x720
Title: Revenge on Corrections Officer + Pic
Description: Corrections Officer Veronica Ricci had just spanked two young prostitutes to teach them a lesson. But they steaming mad and want revenge. So they grab the pregnant redneck hottie and take turns spanking her, while the other helps hold her down. Chloe Amour and especially Lynn Pops really bring it with hand and wooden bath brush.
Format: WMV
Duration: 21 Min
Size: 487 MB
Resolution: 1280x720