20-10-2012, 10:54 PM
Liars (1992)
Starring: Carolyn Monroe, Rocco Siffredi, Beatrice Valle, Sheila Deroma, Richard Langin, Gilles Lecroc, Alain L'Yle, Philippe Soine
Categories: Classic
Date Added: 1992
(1476.9 Mb)
Two gorgeous young women meet accidentally and start talking about their love affairs. The two ladies compete with their imagination and facts more and more extravagant. Each story has its own meaning in the mind of those who listen to them. Therefore, we become confused between what is true and what's not. But who cares since in the end, pleasure is what prevails in this sumptuous and spicy story.
K338.part1.rar - 600.0 MB
K338.part2.rar - 600.0 MB
K338.part3.rar - 245.2 MB
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