Elizabeth Liz Ehrlich
Elizabeth Ehrlich - international model and actress. worked with tommy dollar, ellen von unwerth, oliver rath, sxtn, papa roach
Naked on Stage - Elizabeth Liz Ehrlich Art.mp4
294.51 mb
3.19 min
Elsa Couvreur
She then gets into the creation of her first choreographic work, ‘To Make Myself Clear’, which is first performed in March 2012 as part of the Quarts D’Heure at the Thйвtre Sйvйlin 36, then performed a second time in June 2012 as part of the Fкte de la Musique in Geneva.
She co-founds the association Woman’s Move in collaboration with Iona D’Annunzio and Margaux Monetti.
She has signed the solo "J'ai essayй de ne pas tomber" (I tried not to fall), created for the young choreographers platform InciDanse 2013, as well as the performance "Even Raлl Would Agree", a 7 dancers work created for Festival Electron 2014 performed for two years in multiple swiss cities.
Naked on Stage - Elsa Couvreur Performance on Teatre - 1.mp4
461.53 mb
19.44 min
Lucrezia Grey
Is an actress and Model. Filmography. Known For. Bad Tow Truck Actress (2016). Actress.
Los Angeles, California, US.
Naked on Stage - Lucrezia Grey Dance No Panties on the Air.mp4
84.52 mb
0.46 min
Renata Piotrowska
Renata Piotrowska-Auffret is a choreographer and the artist; in her works she uses tools of experimental dance, performative arts, dramaturgy and theatre.
choreografka i performerka
Naked on Stage - Renata Piotrowska Dance Air.mp4
142.85 mb
2.34 min