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[Image: i16102_de3cc937.jpg]
ZH-2015-12-17 - Maria Turova - Russian Blue
1920px | (x82) | 54.6Mb | *.zip

It is not easy to get a woman like Maria Turova to take photographs like these. Sometimes it is on a whim, or for some extra cash, or for who knows? I try not to pry too much. Usually, I am just grateful for the trust that is granted. I know how brief these windows of opportunity can be. When I see one, I leap for it. Maria is a wonderful person who loves life, really loves her cat, and has a knack for bringing out the best in people. Trusting individuals tend to do that.

[Image: nw5hwi65lsnn_t.jpg][Image: bp4d1z1qgmer_t.jpg][Image: h0xsnznlhus7_t.jpg][Image: ynj801v2hezh_t.jpg][Image: 2n8suwz609gs_t.jpg]

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ZH-2015-12-25 - Nola Berry - Say Merry Chrispens
1920px | (x52) | 35.65Mb | *.zip

You guys! Why are you looking at these pictures of Nola Berry? Why are you listening to Harry Nilsson's "Coconut" in the bonus video? You should be stuffing your face with holiday treats and enjoying the company of others. Or perhaps you are like me. Perhaps you finished up with the family for the evening and you are in a shitty hotel room, watching the Fresh Prince of Bel Air's holiday episode. Hilary Banks. Dang. She would make a spectacular stocking stuffer.

[Image: pcofk3diwu9g_t.jpg][Image: dq4bsvfkeez6_t.jpg][Image: 3lsm2nchgel6_t.jpg][Image: 0gj434lumgmx_t.jpg][Image: ath6bx37xxva_t.jpg]

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File Name : ZH-2015-12-25 - Nola Berry - Say Merry Chrispens.mp4
File Size : 35.87 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:01:36

You guys! Why are you looking at these pictures of Nola Berry? Why are you listening to Harry Nilsson's "Coconut" in the bonus video? You should be stuffing your face with holiday treats and enjoying the company of others. Or perhaps you are like me. Perhaps you finished up with the family for the evening and you are in a shitty hotel room, watching the Fresh Prince of Bel Air's holiday episode. Hilary Banks. Dang. She would make a spectacular stocking stuffer.

[Image: 41clx8fn5cze_t.jpg][Image: 0u8il7k2r3zu_t.jpg]

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ZH-2015-12-23 - Rhyan Hensch - Big 5 Sports
1920px | (x71) | 45.6Mb | *.zip

Rhyan Hensch is a grad student in Los Angeles. She appreciates the idea behind Zishy and wanted to experience some of the thrills firsthand. I made good use of Rhyan's flexibility, she has a background in dance and yoga. We explored a small shopping area and then she accepted my dare to go commando at Big 5 Sporting Goods. They do say Scorpio is the most sexual sign in the Zodiac.

[Image: vjgqcid8t152_t.jpg][Image: xkaze4sxg6xc_t.jpg][Image: z5yxbhzx15lk_t.jpg][Image: 852fndjso96i_t.jpg][Image: iv3ypcbcj7jt_t.jpg]

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File Name : ZH-2015-10-28 - Darcie Dolce - for Asics.mp4
File Size : 31.81 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:01:37

Darcie Dolce is a mix of diverse backgrounds: Sicilian, Armenian, and German. Her buxom figure sits on a small frame, 5'2" to be exact (157cm). Still, this compact firecracker has modeled for large companies, even has a billboard somewheres in LA. Aside from modeling, Darcie is a DJ. In fact, she regards this as her primary interest. I just want to be a drummer. We took these near the ultra-trendy workout spot, Runyon Canyon. It is where all the beautiful babies get their sweat on. Bo Diddley's "Pretty Thing" is the song in the bonus video.

[Image: vbtop5ykhnux_t.jpg][Image: gvull30jscv6_t.jpg][Image: jjz2ex8kartp_t.jpg]

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ZH-2015-10-28 - Darcie Dolce - for Asics
1920px | (x63) | 43.4Mb | *.zip

[Image: e0uus7p3h0ul_t.jpg][Image: 6r60azo7qdtv_t.jpg][Image: 64w5idxzdfeh_t.jpg][Image: c5qkeu81hfaa_t.jpg][Image: 35h49s4d18l4_t.jpg]

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File Name : ZH-2015-10-22 - Emmy Sinclair - and a Dell.mp4
File Size : 46.6 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:02:23

Emmy Sinclair does not have a six pack, and I love it. Not every person should have abs like the TeknoViking. If having a ripped stomach is one of your top ten priorities, please go find an electric fence to whiz on. Your body fat percentage does not interest me. Your ability to see a world beyond yourself interests me. Sail. A cello instrumental of 'Sail' by Awolnation is in the bonus video.

[Image: thb7x0o64j0m_t.jpg][Image: sh643ehrb48s_t.jpg][Image: soj665dw3ylq_t.jpg]

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ZH-2015-10-22 - Emmy Sinclair - and a Dell
1920px | (x48) | 29.7Mb | *.zip

[Image: fdzanvftgfo9_t.jpg][Image: e4hkmujowmm1_t.jpg][Image: qvfnqzsbc3se_t.jpg][Image: b0aqv2n22cis_t.jpg][Image: f3qlifk4fcbz_t.jpg]

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File Name : ZH-2015-10-14 - Delilah Blue - Cheese Stickin.mp4
File Size : 21.37 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:00:50

This is Delilah Blue. She has some very interesting eyes. I like her eyes. Since I was a kid, and even to this day, women will comment on the length of my eyelashes. They always say they wish they had them. I never know how to respond to that. Thanks? You know what they say about guys with long eyelashes? But for real, they are a pain when they get wet in a pool. They are difficult to open once submerged. I like Delilah's eyes. The song in the video is "Rill Rill" by Sleigh Bells.

[Image: ip17ih3sqtf8_t.jpg][Image: nmcccbld6z2k_t.jpg][Image: u6hzmw8hp79a_t.jpg]

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