Alice In Her Fist ScatAction. Part 1
Epic video of former perverted top model.. It took months before she confessed in her likes to filth
and scat. Hello my name is Alice, and ,what you see here is pretty rough for a fist scat action,
isn’t it? This all began when I first saw one of celestial videos and it got deep inside my head..
for days I was thinking about experiencing scat action, and one day I finally said yes. Everything
was new to me, smell of shit, the way it feels on skin, in mouth on my hairs. The way I felt when I
was shit fucked with shit deep inside my holes. Some things made me surprised, some things made me
shocked and cry, and some things made me feel strange but comfortable, some of the things which
happened made me beg for more.. However I want to say that there is something in scat sex. Something...